Saturday, August 20, 2011

Volume Four is here!

At long last, the concluding book in the Inner Voices Series is here. I expect delivery from the publisher any day now, and it's already available as an e-book on SmashWords at Balance Restored

It's been a long process and I hope you've enjoyed the series. My next step is to get it better distributed. I'm looking at having it translated for foreign markets and would appreciate any comments you might have on this.

In the meantime, enjoy!

1 comment:

Brian Honeycutt said...

Hi Barry,

I just downloaded your first book in this series. Looking forward to reading it. I wanted to get int touch because I am also a writer of spiritual science fiction. I don't see two many novels of that sort out there so thought I'd say hi and see if you have any insights into finding an agent for a book in this particular field? I'd be happy to give you my thoughts on your book if you like.
